Dear Jade,
Please find attached a response to the Mental Health Strategy engagement document. I have completed this on behalfof Manx PACT, Manx People Actioning Change Together. There are currently approximately 200 members in the group. I informed members of Manx PACT of the questionnaire and asked for their thoughts. I have included all comments received. Members include those who are severely ill with mental ill health, some who are recovering and some who have struggled to obtain any help from Manx Care. It also includes carers of those who are ill and members of the public who want to learn and understand more about mental ill health.
The Group is diverse but because of its nature many are not ready to come forward to speak up about their problems. The members who did respond all wished to remain anonymous but are passionate about seeing real change. I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss this report and our group further should you wish. Members of our group are those you are trying to reach, and it is vital that you work with patients throughout the strategy and in the care provided.
Kind regards
Juan Moore BA FCG
For and behalf of Manx PACT.
Please read and if possible respond to Juan via the email listed.
Mental Health Strategy
The Department of Health and Social Care are consulting on a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which you can find here/attached. Juan Moore has been contacted and will be responding on behalf of Chamber of Commerce and personally. He would also like to respond on behalf of Manx PACT.
This is our change to have a say in the Mental Health Strategy for the Island. Juan will push our cause, but he needs as many responses as possible. The more who respond the louder our voice will be. I suspect very few people on the Island are aware of the 2015 strategy which can be found here:
Please respond with your comments to Juan at no later than 13th November to give Juan time to collate the responses and prepare the report.
All comments will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
We are People Actioning Change Together, and this is your opportunity to be heard.
Thank you in advance.
Manx PACT admin team.