Meeting Place for ManxPact each Saturday. Specialist in Craft Beers, Isle of Man

Meeting Place for ManxPact each Saturday. Specialist in Craft Beers, Isle of Man
Book-Share Club
Specialising in craft beers, spirits and cigars, Hops has been created by couple Steven Day and Hazel Joyce.
Welcome to our Book-Share page.
Firstly, we offer our thanks to Steven & Hazel for their kindness in allowing us to meet with members and friends each Saturday and now for extending us a dedicated space to have our Book-Share project.
We have created this page lists the number of physical books held on the Bookshelf of our meeting place in Douglas called the Hops.
We meet at the Hops each Saturday around 10-10.30am. Feel free to join us and borrow one of range of books. This Book-share is a work in progress and over the coming weeks you will see the list o available titles grow. The books have been kindly donated for this project by the members of our Facebook Group page.
The subject will vary from Self-help to Cookery and everything in between. All the titles are aimed are helping people within our community read and perhaps learn more about their mental health issues or simply read about something new to "Get them out of their Headspace".
We hope you like this new addition.
Thanks to Cat Jenkins, who started this idea with an offer of donating a number of her Self-help book to this project.