Welcome to our Website Directory
Welcome to our inclusive Business, Health & Wellbeing services directory.
By completing our listing form you will also be verifying your business for all our site visitors and thusly you'll be making your business more attractive to the public, as they will have confidence in you and your services on offer. Each listing will be registering your Personal Business or Company for one year.
The aim of this directory is to create a One-Stop-Shop location for the Manx Public to visit and find not only your service, but all other "Health & Wellbeing" businesses too. Our aim to make our Website Portal the Islands repository for information for the "Whole Island" Community.
The benefit to your Personal Business / Company is that... as an Island based business it will cost you a fraction of other forms of advertising currently available to you. Most importantly, it will save you the cost of creating your own website as you will get your own Business page as part of your listing. This will really showcase your skills and your services to people who are specifically searching for "Your" type of business.
Main Directory listing link
Your own Personal or Business Page with...Your Logo/Photo, Your contact details, Your business description and more...
Listing your business or service for one year from as little as £18 per annum
We will advertise this Website Portal in all the usual online areas, boosting the sites rankings on most if not all platforms eventually and "Guess WHAT?" We will not charge you extra as it is already included in your Annual Directory membership fee !
On your Web Page, you will be able to share your page easily with all your friends, customers and new leads to help you grow your business.
By Joining now, you are getting in on the ground floor of our directory listing service and as and when we roll out additional features...YOU ARE IN and will not need to pay anything extra at least until your renewal date one year on.
So what are you waiting for?
Fill in the form below and we will see you on the other side.
OH, just one more thing I forgot to mention!
We will design the web page for you, using your listing information, so you "Do Not" have to lift a finger in terms of the page design. This is all part of our service
Best Wishes,
ManxPACT - Directory team